Friday 27 April 2018

Copy one Combo Box items to another C#

Copy one Combo Box items to another C#

I just want to copy the items of classCombobox to comboBox1

so start a loop!
it will completely copy all the items from classCombobox to comboBox1


 for (int i = 0; i < classCombobox.Items.Count; i++)

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Configuration Manager is missing in C# Visual Studio


The error occur when you keep your database connection string in Config file, and when you are retrieving your connection from Config file, you are using

string str = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myconnection"];

But it shows the error


Just go to Solution Explorer in your visual studio and right click on Reference and select add reference, in the new window select System.Configuration and click Ok.

Your Problem Solved!

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Shop Management System

Shop Management system using bar code scanner and receipt printer. First you have to store all your products in the system, and after that you can scan it via Bar Code scanner if available if not available you can do it manually. It has many option and modules which will make your system automatic, fast and easy. The main purpose of this system is to save TIME. This system answer the following question? 1) I want to prepare receipt for customer in minimum time? 2) I want to calculate the total amount directly without calculator? 3) I am tired of searching expired Items in my shop? 4) I want to be alarmed before 1 month of items expiry? 5) I am tired of searching Required Items in my shop? 6) I don’t know what is my daily, monthly and yearly profit ? 7) I don’t know what is my daily, monthly and yearly outcome? 8) I don’t know what is my total current asset? 9) I am willing to find available products quickly in my shop? 10) I am willing to find which products are earning high profit? And Many more!!!